Students’ Union forums have three main functions
All sports clubs and societies can apply for funding via our forum funding system. Two weeks prior to each forum every registered student group will be emailed a form asking them to want they want to bid for and where possible providing quotes.
All bids will then be put to a vote at an all student forum meetings. There will be four forum meetings per year which will be advertised on
To be valid there must be somebody from your groups to speak for one minute in favour f the bid.
There are two pots of money one for sports teams and one for societies. The amount of money available and will be advertised at the time of each forum.
Each pot will be capped. Funds will be allocated based on the most popular bids. If there is any spare money, this will be allocated to the next popular bid until the pot is exhausted
Example Total Amount in Pot £500
Group A Amount Bid For £200 Number of Votes 33 – Amount allocated £200
Group B Amount Bid For £100 Number of Votes 28 – Amount allocated £100
Group C Amount Bid For £100 Number of Votes 21 – Amount allocated £100
Group D Amount Bid For £ 150 Number of Votes 16 – Amount allocated £100
Please note the Students Union reserves the right not to accept bids. Examples of when bids may not be accepted are
For further information please e mail