The Union is here to represent you and support you ensuring the best student experience; inspiring success and positive change.
We are an independent charity governed by our own sets of rules. The Union is separate from the University although we are supported by them and work closely with them and other organisations to provide you with everything you need.
We run elections every March where you vote in the students who you want to work full time and run the Union on your behalf. These elected students answer to you so it’s important to let them know what you want for your Union.
We also have a team of volunteer part-time officers who are voted for by you in October. These students represent you in a part-time role alongside their studies. Any student can run in our elections,please speak to any member of the team at any time for more information.
Standing is really simple; you just complete an online nomination form. If you choose to nominate yourself you will be given help and support from staff at Hope SU to build your campaign.
These are the leaders of the Union who take a year off from their studies and are employed full-time to represent you. The President and Vice Presidents represent you within the University, lead the major campaigns of the Union and ensure your voice is heard. Alongside thier daily roles they are also trustees of the SU as a charity.
They are elected in the March ballot and take office in July.
These are part-time positions for which students volunteer while they study. They have more specific areas of interest and representation for their work.
The elections for Student Officer and Representative positions will be held at the beginnng of the academic year, so if you think you could make a difference, stand!
NUS (National Union of Students) holds conferences throughout the year to decide on 5national policy, improvements to processes and ensure that the student voice is heard at a national level. Any student can stand for election to attend these conferences (including National Conference and zones conferences for the four liberation areas). Please email for further details
If you want to stand for any election to represent your fellow students, contact for more information or folloq our socials for updated on when elections will be held.