Our Constitution and Bye-Laws

Liverpool Hope Students' Union needs careful and detailed governance, whilst staying student-led.

Proper governance ensures we serve our members to the best of our abilities and stay within the law when it comes to transparency, safety and finances.

We have recently undergone a through organisational wide constitutional review, resulting in a brand new constitution being approved by Liverpol Hope University Council in November 2021. This legal document describes why we operate and how we are run.

All By-Laws have now been updated and uploaded accordingly


If you have any queries regarding our Constitution or Bye-Laws please email unionmanager@hope.ac.uk


As well as being a member of NUS (National Union of Students), we are also a regsitered charity. This means our Constitution and other details about how we are run are held by the Charity Commission. You can see these details by going to their website here and entering our charity number - 1195544.


You can read our Constitution here 



You can read our Bye-Laws here

Executive Council 

All Member Union Meetings 

Officer Elections (including Purdah Rules) 


Trustee Delegation and control 

Trustee Board Effectiveness

Clubs and Societies

Officer Accountability