The Cost of Living is affecting everyone and we have been proactive in speaking to the university, local MPs and City Council. We have also spoken directly to Gillian Keegan the Secretary of State for Education and also the All Party Parliamentary Group about the impact the Cost of Living is having on students. We will continue to fight for students and keep you in the loop along the way.
Click here to find out the findings: Cost of Living Survey
Our President (Erin) submitted to the All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPG) call for evidence regarding the cost of living and its effects on students. Erin took part in a live session with members of the APPG and fed back directed students at Liverpool Hope and the city are facing, from rising rent and food prices to mental health concerns.
The attached document is the official 17 page report on the inquiry which provides a detailed view of cost of living and the impact. The recommendations in this document will be sent to the Government to take under consideration alongside recommendations for universities.
"This is a step in the right direction, the government has been failing students, maintenance loans have only increased by 2.8% and there has been no talk of a tailored Student Cost of Living package. The reintroduction of means tested maintenance grants is essential to many students and an increase in the lower household income threshold for the maximum student loan would create more financial security and give students a fairer chance to succeed."
Click the link to read the full report APPG Students Report Cost of Living Inquiry