Girlguiding North West England welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, faiths and abilities. We are flexible and volunteering can be arranged to fit around a busy lifestyle. In return, we offer everyone support, specialised training and the opportunity to develop new skills, meet new people and have fun.

Be part of our success story! Interested in volunteering in the North West? Everyone has a different reason for joining, and helping girls to achieve their potential is not only rewarding but there can be benefits for you too!

There are lots of different volunteering roles within Girlguiding North West England and, as a volunteer with us, you could get involved in anything from becoming a leader or unit helper, to raising funds, helping out with events and providing administrative support. There really is something for everyone! You could develop a whole host of skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork to name a few, and make new friends along the way!

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